Worship & Prayer is at the heart of who we are as a church.
Worship & Prayer
Prayer is our priority.
Prayer is an incredible gift from God and we are called to pray ‘at all times’. It is the language of dependency & in prayer, we ask God to change us, to equip us and to change our world.
So as we gather, as we serve, as we witness - we pray.
We have two gatherings that we consider to be pivotal in this - monthly prayer meetings and Worship & Prayer services.
Upcoming dates are below:
Prayer Gatherings
We meet on one Wednesday a month in the cafe to pray from 7.45-8.45pm. We reflect on God's word & work among us & we pray in different ways over key things in our lives, church & world.
26th February
12th March
14th - 18th April (Holy Week)
21st May
18th June
Worship & Prayer
23rd February
23rd March
20th April
18th May
8th June
We meet on one Sunday a month at 6.30pm where we spend more time in worship than in our morning services, explore portions of God's Word & create space to pray.