Funeral Notices

Dessie Campbell | 13th February 12.30pm - Carnmoney Church

A service of thanksgiving and celebration for Dessie Campbell's life will be held in Carnmoney Presbyterian Church on Thursday 13 February at 12.30pm.

Here in Carnmoney, we recognise that we’re a large church family and therefore, we sadly experience loss and bereavement frequently. We aim to walk closely alongside and provide care for everyone who is connected to our church who are journeying these difficult moments.

As part of this aim, we endeavour to announce deaths here (below) in the hope of increasing awareness around funeral dates / times which will give people an opportunity to express their condolences and support those who are bereaved.

However, please be aware that there may be funerals which are arranged very quickly or where families do not wish to publicise the information. In these instances, we will not share the funeral notice here.